GINGR is currently in the process of establishing the following technical working groups:
Metrics Working Group
The Metrics WG aims to define a toolbox of metrics and approaches to assess contribution to nature positive. This will then be complemented by guidance documents and test pilots. The Metrics WG is led by IUCN.
Offshore Working Group
The Offshore WG will define assessment criteria and tools to measure contributions towards nature positive in the offshore environment. The group is led by Ocean Conservancy.
Linear Infrastructure Working Group
The Linear Infrastructure WG will define assessment criteria and tools to measure contributions towards nature positive in the onshore environment. The initial focus of the group will be on overhead transmission lines only. The Linear Infrastructure Working Group will be led by RGI.
Monitoring Working Group
The Monitoring WG will define standards for national monitoring systems, with the aim of promoting standardised approaches to allow aggregation of data into a common reporting system. The leadership of this WG is yet to be determined.
Reporting Working Group
The Reporting WG will be launched later this year under the joint leadership of IUCN and RGI. Its purpose will be to develop a global reporting system.
The Working Groups are currently developing their Terms of Reference, which will be made available and fully displayed on in due course.
Once GINGR is fully operational, other TWGs will be added. For the time being, each TWG will have a different number of participants under the leadership of one organisation.
Stay tuned for more information soon.

Source: AdobeStock